Contact Us

Glenn Oscarson

1 Country Club Dr. Ste 1
Stansbury Park, UT 84074

By appointment only

Stansbury Park Cemetery

Its history

Many long-time residents of Stansbury Park have shared their desire to be buried at Stansbury Park. Realizing this, a small group of dedicated residents worked for years to find a location and funding for the proposed cemetery. Finally, in 2011, the Tooele County Commissioners committed to the project by donating seven acres of county-owned land, next to Benson Grist Mill.

With the location secured, Stansbury Service Agency began the work of designing and constructing the cemetery in 2012. A large portion of the landscaping was provided by local residents, who donated hundreds of hours to the project.

After a year of design and construction, the cemetery was ready for use and the first plots were sold in January of 2013. The first burial took place in April of 2013.

Burial plots are available to both residents and non-residents. Residents receive a discounted price because the cemetery is subsidized by the tax dollars of residents who live within the boundaries of Stansbury Service Area.

Cemetery Scheduling & Sales

To purchase a plot or to arrange for a grave opening please contact Glenn Oscarson at (435) 840-2462.

Please note: In accordance with Utah Code Ann 8-7-7, ownership of a plot within the cemetery shall provide only the right to be interred in the cemetery, and is not a deed conveying legal title to or other interest in real property.

Graveside services or interments shall not be conducted on any holiday recognized by Stansbury Service Agency, or on Sunday, except as expressly authorized by Stansbury Service Agency Board.

Services of interment shall be conducted between the hours of 8:00 am and 2:00 pm, unless authorized by the Board.

Stansbury Park Cemetery Fees

Right to BurialResidentNon Resident
Plots (Full casket w/vault)$600$1200
Open and Close
WeekdayFull Casket$450$650
Baby or Cremation$250$350
WeekendFull Casket$650$750
Baby or Cremation$350$400
Disinterment of Body$1200$1200
Disinterment of Cremation$1000$1000
Headstone Setting$50$50
Certificate Transfer$50$50